Testimonial By:- Kanchan - Udayan Care Daughter

My first expression about him was very neutral. Accordingly, I supported him with an open heart and with full integrity as he embarked on his journey of altruism at Udayan Care.

It is always a big surprise when someone chooses this beautiful journey of altruists and joins hands towards hope – hope for improvement, hope for mass welfare, hope to end up doing something which would be beyond himself and will end up with a beautiful result.

There are uncountable deeds and things that he has done and has been doing till now, ever since he started his journey with Udayan Care at the Greater Noida Home. He came with his expectations, a bar that he set for himself, courage and belief that he will make to the end no matter the first treatment he would receive, and whether it would be warm and welcoming. He owned up to his risk and sailed along with the flow.

The best thing that possibly happened after his joining was that the environment to which the children were used to was reformed and completely changed for their welfare. It also brought in a lot of flexibility. He restored the comfort level between the children and the management to such a level that it truly became a big fat family with hopes, dreams and love. Yes, it is true that initially the acceptance towards him was demotivating and unachievable, but that was because he was a new person with new goals, new thought process, and new ways of dealing with situations.

His major contribution and investment have been towards children’s education and raising the desperately needed funds for the survival of the mission and dreams of many. He supported children for education by going out of his way and doing everything in his hands that a father or a family member would think of and would desire for. His vision towards independence and empowerment of an individual has been outstanding, instilling good values within beautiful souls to make them try harder, and not deterring from failures, all of which has made many fall in love with him and his resilience.

When a person starts with something with strongly desired mission in his life, there are always a few positives and a few negatives. His thoughts, strategies to tackle different kinds of situations, distinctive ways of looking at things, these will invariably give rise to questions, and which would remain with all of us till the end of time that there are and there were things which can be and which we could have done differently, but at the end of the day, what one does solely rests on an individual’s own decisions.

It is also very common to get upset or furious if things and situations do not end up the way we want it to, and it was the same in his situation. But it should also be noted that he was not taking decisions for a single child, but rather trying to keep up with the expectations of many.

On a personal note, every memory and every day with him has been special and inspiring given the dedication he and aunty have shown towards this cause. When someone stands by you, you will also feel supported and loved. The more one could talk about, the less one would reap, because his deeds have crossed the boundary of unprecedented empathy, faith, and empowering vision, and a dream of seeing his children as beautiful and valuable adults. He has been donating huge amounts to Udayan Care from his investments and by raising funds to the best of his abilities by seeing all the help he could get from his trustworthy friend circle and the connections he has made through all these hardworking years and days. Something to be joyous and proud of is his family’s comfort and support to his dream, especially his beautiful wife Sunita Aunty and his amazing and strong mother. Being grateful would always be less from our side, uncle.


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About Me

A Mentor, Author, Speaker & A Philanthropist. A Mentor Father to Under Privileged Children and Youth

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