About the book - Wings To Fly

Wings to Fly beautifully illustrates that instead of constantly climbing the ladders of success, sometimes we need to descend into the valley of truth and reality, especially for those facing the acute difficulties of poverty and suffering. There is always an opportunity around us to sow the right seeds for the less fortunate and bequeath our superficial, false, and futile possessions.

Deepak found the true meaning and purpose of life while serving the underprivileged children at Udayan Care. He devoted his heart, mind, soul, wealth, and body to them as a full-time volunteer and a guardian. The book convinces one that each child is a lotus waiting to blossom, they just need someone’s support, guidance, care, and above all, quality time.

The book intends to inspire one to make significant contributions to society, nature, and the universe in multiple ways. It shows us that anyone can extend a helping hand and be a light (Deepak) of hope for someone else.

True exuberance and contentment are found when we rise above ourselves and learn to live for others!

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Everyone desires to have a life which is full of abundance, happiness, bliss, success, positivity, and strengths. It is possible when one has the worldly resources at its disposal, good health & adequate wisdom, by virtue of birth, family, place, circumstances and destiny.

No one desires to lead a life which is full of scarcity, pains, poverty, insult, disabilities, or weaknesses. Unfortunately, neither everyone is equally lucky and privileged, nor they have much control on their birth, family, place, circumstances and destiny.

Although, the Almighty bestows humans with infinite opportunities, blessings and natural resources; there are neither limitations through which one can acquire abundance nor limitations on the avenues as to how one can return to the society.

Albeit, this book is intended to share a transformational journey of an ordinary person, who is constantly working to support the less privileged children and to kindle a light in the darkness by creating a ray of hope in their life. This small endeavour from an individual can make others’ life more meaningful, fulfilling and satisfying. It is not only benefitting the receiver, but also equally gratifying for the caregiver.

This book narrates how Deepak Sharma has migrated and continues to nurture his passion for serving the society. He belongs to a well-educated middle class family, pursued Engineering from a reputed Institute, attained pinnacle at corporate world and yet decided to become a caregiver to uplift the neediest children.

There are people on the planet, who are destitute, orphans, old-aged, mentally or physically challenged and moreover, they are deprived off any support mechanism to protect, earn and lead life.

Deepak found a true meaning and purpose of his life in serving a section of less privileged girls at Udayan Care and devoting his heart, mind, soul and body for them. It is nicely proved that each child is a lotus and waiting to blossom. They just need someone’s support, guidance, direction, care and handholding.

One can draw multiple inspirations from the book and make significant contribution in society, nature and universe in multiple ways. Anyone can extend his or her hand of hope, become eyes for blinds, voice for mute, destiny for destitute or lamp (Deepak) for their life.

This is generous attempt to make you feel human, who has immense power to spread love, respect and care for others. So that this world become equally beautiful for everyone… ultimately, we have only one life to live and so much learn, earn & return.
If there’s such a thing as an “ideal volunteer”, Deepak Sharma would fit that bill perfectly! A combination of solid experience and expertise with deep commitment and reliability, as well as surprisingly great sense of humility make him the kind of person that any organisation would give an arm and a leg to have as a volunteer!

If you’ve been considering spending time in the social sector, or you already volunteer, this book is a great read for you to help you figure out how best to pursue your own journey. Filled with anecdotes, testimonials and distilled wisdom, the book is almost a “manual” for anyone who wants to make a significant contribution to the social sector. The best way to read it is 1 “life stage” at a time- read, pause to reflect on how your journey has been different, and what that means for you going forward- and then move on to the next stage. You’re guaranteed to come out of it with a smile on your face, a richer understanding of what it takes to be a great volunteer and direction around how to find your own purpose in life.

I met Mr. Deepak Sharma when he joined Udayan Care as a full-time volunteer in 2013. A blessed and humble soul.

I do understand and appreciate the amount of dedication it takes to truly volunteer and serve society for a noble cause – more so where it involves the education of young adolescent girls.

Later I came to know more about him and the vision he espoused for at Udayan Care, as well as the cause we stood for, as we interacted more often at the regular Board meetings and elsewhere.

That said, interactions, however deep, always leave scope for missing bits of information. It is here that a book that comes across as a memoir encapsulating in vivid details the life story and the character behind of the person, serves the true purpose of storytelling.

Deepak is a warm, caring, and extremely down-to-earth person with a vision and a mission. It is only right that such a wonderful story of the metamorphosis he brought about in his life from a corporate warrior to a caregiver, and in the process touching the lives of those deserving of care, is told so that it inspires more people to a life of caregiving.

I wish Deepak all the best in his endeavour and look forward with eager anticipation to reading his book in print and telling others in my social and family circle of his wonderful life journey.”

A wonderful and apt choice of words for the title of such an inspiring book, simultaneously down to earth and also giving us a peek into the different hues of the most heart warming and uplifting stories of the human race.

A title that speaks volumes about the author, Deepak Sharma, one of the finest, loving, caring, sharing and genuine human beings I have ever met.

It stands to reason that if he hadn’t taken to his wings and flown so high himself, he would never have been in a position to nurture and mentor so many young minds to excel, reach and touch the phenomenal heights they have.

It is under his able guidance and all encompassing belief in these leaders of tomorrow that acts as the motivation that spurs them on to greater glory.

May his life’s teachings show the way to innumerable others to follow in his noble footsteps and emulate his motto :

Earn, Learn and Return.

May God bless all his endeavours and may his tribe increase, is my fervent wish.

I heard of Deepak Sharma, after he began engaging with Udayan Care. When I met him, I was impressed by his energy and his commitment to the cause. Overtime, after Deepak joined the Advisory Board and thereafter became a Trustee, I have got to know him better.

Wings to Fly is the story and the definition of the man that I now know as well as I do. Deepak is not just an ordinary man – he is an extraordinary human being.

Deepak is totally committed to ‘personal excellence’. A sportsperson whose morning run or game of tennis is the elixir that fires his day. He is obsessed about being brilliant at   everything he does. He knows that his own physical, mental and emotional health is the oxygen mask that will enable him to be who he wants to be.

Deepak is a student. Despite his incredible achievements in life, he is grounded and humble. He is curious and always keen to learn.

Deepak is generous. He gives every minute of the clock to everybody who needs him. He donates large sums of his personal money at every occasion and opportunity that arises.

I recommend Deepak’s book as a must read. It may be difficult to emulate what Deepak has done and continues to do. But it will be impossible not to be inspired by the story of Deepak Sharma, an extraordinary human being.

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